söndag 14 augusti 2011

Take me to L A . - I´m gonna go some day .

Okej, så nu börjer jag äntligen få lite ordning och reda på det hela.
Som jag har sagt så har jag under en längre tid haft planer på att flytte till Los Angeles inom en snar framtid.
Fundere starkt på att åke dit nu i Januari för att se mig omkring och kolla på skola osv.

Det store problemet har vare allt tjaffs och stök med visum osv, men efter lite sökning och prat med vännor och bekanta har jag nu äntligen komme på ett sätt så det borde gå.
Många personers tips var att gifte sig med en Amerikan, men det skulla nog inte funke så bra med tanke på att jag vill flytte dit med min engelska älskling ;)

Så nu som det ser ut flytter jag, Lewis och någre av våre vännor dit 2012, och jag är grymme peppad!! :)


Ok, so finally I start to get my head around everything.
As I´ve said loads of times before, I´ve been planning to move to Los Angeles in the very soon future.
I seriously thinking of going there in January to check it out, visit some schools and sort some stuff out.

The biggest problem was all this hassle with visa and so on, but after some research and talking to friends and family I have now finally coming up with a way so it should work, and I´m very pleased!
Many peoples advice (people that didn´t know me that I was talking to) said that I should get married to an American guy, but it wouldn´t work so good cause I´m moving there with my english man ;)

So if everything goes as plans me, Lew, and some of our friends are moving out there 2012 and I´m so excited about it!!! :)

8 kommentarer:

  1. hey girl:) yep! I did get your comment;) having fun with friends and the boyfriend:) me too! I had a good week with friends and the bf aswell. thanks for all your sweet feedback;) on to a fab week:)

  2. Yeah! good luck with that :)

    See you pretty!
    have a cute day!

  3. Thank you my dear! :)
    Greetings, Danni

  4. Hi lovely,
    I really like blog!
    It's very cute!I added to your followers!Follow back?:)
    Greetings from Tuscany

  5. Thanks for visiting! I like your blog too!
    Want to follow each other? I'll follow on Bloglovin' as well as on Blogger ;)


  6. Hi!
    You are so cute and have cool blog!
    I follow you, follow me?

  7. Those photos are not mine!
    Thank you for the comment :)
    are you from london?


  8. Apply to the school you want to go to - receive the letter of admission + I-20. Then you basically have your visa, all you gotta do is prove you got the greens to go there and book an appointment with the embassy. Not very difficult ;) Your man can even apply to get a work visa through yours when you are admitted to the school.

    F-1 visa beats the hell out of J-1, at least if you plan on going to school for a longer period of time!

