Jag älsker verkligen rött och orange läppstift. Två andra favoriter är plommon och knall rosa. Lägger upp bilder på dom sedan.
Ursäkta bildkvaliten och posar bilderna, jag är inte så bra på det där med att ta foton med webcam haha! Men jaja, det är ändå läpparna som ska ha fokus på de här bilderna och ni hajer nog idén som jag vill få fram.
I absolutely love red and orange lipstick. Two other favorites is plum and hot pink/fuschia pink. I´ll put some photos up on them later.
I apologize about the bad quality and the posing pictures, I´m not so good with the taking photos with the web cam haha! But well well, It´s the lips that should have the focus anyway on this photos and I´m pretty sure you´ll get the idea that I want to convey.
SvaraRaderaI love them both,
you can really pull of lipstick well!
hey girly:) with your beautful lipstick! I love it.. need me some more lipstick.
SvaraRaderaI'll go with the orange all the way!!! maybe I'm biased cos i love coral lipstick colour hehehe, but true, I agree with the comment above, u can pull of both super well!!
SvaraRaderabtw, I've decided to spread the love and award you with some blogger awards, check out the link for more info :)
Love the first picture! Beautiful colors :)
hey babe , thanks for stopping and leaving comment on my blog :)
SvaraRaderafollowing you now , hope you also do that to me :)
I like the red lipstick :)
SvaraRaderaYeah, maybe someday I'll go there! :D
love the red one :D
Decimal Shoes
I like both of them !
SvaraRaderai really like your style :)
beautilful blog! thanks for the comment on my blog <3 - i am now following you :)
These lipsticks are gorgeous! I love the red, but I love the orange even more, I think it's a bit more unique :) great blog! Visit mine?
SvaraRaderaI love both of them... really hot
My Stylish Little Secret
love your lip color!!! so pretty :)
UUUuuuuhhh love the red!!! ^^
SvaraRaderau r so beautiful <3 :))
love the coral lipstick. xx
SvaraRaderaso sexy :D . i love them both,These lipsticks are gorgeous
haha är det sant? gud så roligt :D du måste lägga upp bildern på ditt rum
SvaraRaderaI loveeee the orange
I love both, they are both gorgeous colours x
SvaraRaderaSå snyggt med både rött och orange, de+ljust rosa/nude är mina favoritfärger på läppstift :)
SvaraRaderathanks for your comment in my blog! youe are very beautiful and your orange lipstick...its gorgeous! i have new post in my blog, i hope you like it!
love it. red lips r so sexy!!orange looks cool as well!
SvaraRaderahugs xxx
Love them both!!
SvaraRaderaIt looks fabulous!! ^^
P.S. First giveaway on FASHION IMPERATIVE! Check it out! :)
thank you very much!
SvaraRaderai like the colours :) & i like your blog. i follow you.
best wishes
La diversité de la vie
Me encanta!!
SvaraRaderaTe sigo, también.
Besos, desde España, Marcela
gud tack så mycket! åh det föstår jag, jag har inte ångrat en sekund att jag klippte av de :)
SvaraRaderaomg i love the orange one crazääähhh:)cute blog and thx for ur comment
SvaraRaderaLove them both, I really like that deep shade of red on you :)
i love every bold colour lip!!!
SvaraRaderaFollow me on:
Miss Kwong - Art and Fashion
Hi sweety, i just discover your blog!!! love both lipstick, those colours are really gorgeous :)
SvaraRaderaCheck my blog & if you like it too... would you like we follow each other?
KISSES from Spain!!!
Estefanía J.
I like em both, but I would say orange!
SvaraRaderaThe orange!!! So hot.
SvaraRaderaI love them both but i would take the orange one :D x
I like the two colors... But, I think the red is more sexy :)
love the orange one:) perfect for the summer:)
orange definitely, it fits you more!!
SvaraRaderawww.fashiontnt.com come and take a look to see what is like fashion tnt!
look forward to your visit!
i love both!
SvaraRaderaLove the two colors! The orange is great :)
red looks better on you... ;)
SvaraRaderalove the color and your lips look hot :)
SvaraRaderaawesome blog..
follow each other?
im also having a giveaway for a Casio Gold Watch so do check it out: